Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Here I am!

Well hello there...

I am happy to report that I am writing from Nevada City, California, just up the hill from Grass Valley, watching the snow fall from my mom's house. In April.  Mother Nature has a wicked awesome sense of humor (that was for the East Coast peeps), doesn't she?

But the thing is, the Doppler Radar report can't touch the peace that I'm feeling. Less than 48 hours ago, I arrived at Sacramento International Airport jetlagged and exhausted from the past several weeks of packing up a life on the East Coast.  Greeted by my mom, her husband, and my best friend - well let's just say that it was a nice way to kick things off.

I have quickly learned that a brief respite at one's parent's house is a true gift.  The view out the bay window that I am perched upon is full of lush Cedars and Douglas Firs, frisky gray squirrels and adorable little birdies, bright green grass and flowering trees draped in a wafer thin layer of wet white snow. Oh - and there's a bit of thunder and lightening too. 

I've been indulged with French toast and oatmeal for breakfast, and homemade soup, stuffed peppers and piping hot cornbread for dinner.   I can't take three steps without Mom or Dennis asking if I could use more light, something to eat or drink, a blanket, a nap.  And yes, I've taken several naps these past two days. The truth is it feels absolutely incredible to just relax and accept this kindness. I'm fairly certain that at some point, maybe even soon, the remarks will change to:  Did you turn the light out? Did you mean to leave that glass there? and How is the job hunt coming along?   - Yet I say all of this with a grand smile... because how often does one get to spend time like this with family - when everyone is healthy, happy and doing great.  It is a gift indeed.   

I am still wrapping my head around the incredible outpouring of generosity, love and assistance that I received from friends in Connecticut as I made my departure.  People are flat out amazing.  And I've more to write about many of them.  For now, let me just say the most heartfelt THANK YOU that I have ever written... to all of my friends who helped me make this jump or wished me well!  It was never goodbye... only farewell for now (which also happens to be my favorite line from my grandma... left on every voicemail she left over the past several years of her life).

So... with that, I bid you goodnight - and farewell for now!